Donate With Wise Speech & Kindness
We need your help to spread wise speech and kind words. Our tech resources allow us to invest donations into advanced non-violent communication enhancement tools, to grow the non profit community, and to spread the message of wise speech across the world.
Raised: $1.2k
of $300k Goal
About the wise speech foundation
The Wise Speech Foundation was founded by Christian Hageseth and after the Official 501c3 Non-Profit Approval, has recently gained presence throughout Colorado, and is hosting live in Fort Collins, Loveland, Boulder & Denver as well as virtual Wise Speech Events viewable in the USA and throughout the world.
Wise Campaigns
Wise Speech Online Millennial Awareness
Raised: $0
Goal: $60,000
Wise Speech Oath From Parents To Children
Raised: $0
Goal: $90,000
Wise Speech Oath In Schools
Raised: $0
Goal: $130,000
Wise Speech Oath In Congress
Raised: $0
Goal: $1,300,000