Meet Christian

Christian Hageseth III MD is the co-founder of The Wise Speech Foundation, which started along the Front Range, of Colorado, with kind words lunch events in Boulder, Denver, Fort Collins & Loveland.

Christian often attends our Virtual Wise Speech Events are hosted live, and presented online and shared on Youtube.

After the recent 501c3 approval Christian is looking to get funding, volunteers and sponsors to join the Wise Speech Movement. An ambitious goal of 1,000,000 volunteers to help spread non-violent communication wisdom across America will require the right team, and courageous leadership.

The lives work of many from clinicians, activists, politicians, congress, anthropologists, teachers  and students, to farmers, artists, musicians, developers, designers, architects, builders and coders come together to spread an important message of peace and non-violent communication – Hageseth calls it The Wise Speech Movement.

A Wise History

After working with patients for decades Christian shares stories from chaos to calm and everything in between. With wise speech, there are resources to help entire communities, one individual at a time, and no needles are required!

Wise speech is a term originally derived from the Buddhist term “Right Speech”.


What Is Right Speech? 
“This is called right speech:”

  1. Abstaining from lying
  2. Abstaining from divisive speech
  3. Abstaining from abusive speech
  4. Abstaining from idle chatter: 
Wise Speech Foundation with Christian in Gym

 Pioneering Parkinson’s Relief In Uganda

Before Wise Speech

Christian Hageseth, M.D. experienced his first symptoms of Parkinson’s disease nine years ago. After failing to improve when taking medication, he pursued a self-prescribed holistic approach. After a year, everything changed. He now has significantly fewer symptoms than when first diagnosed. And remarkably, he does not take any Parkinson’s medication.

Dr. Hageseth Fought with Parkinson’s

Frustrated that no medical professional addressed the question of why he has done so well, Dr. Hageseth determined that if he is to gather sufficient data to gain the attention of the traditional medical community, he would have to locate a population of people with Parkinson’s who are unable to get the standard medications. Uganda is the ideal place where he can direct a program of holistic treatment of Parkinson’s that does not use any of the currently available medications.

Uganda Could Use Our Help

Why Uganda? A small landlocked country in equatorial Africa, it is among the poorest countries in the world. There are nearly 40,000 persons with Parkinson’s disease in Uganda where life expectancy at birth is 53.4 years and the average income is $100 per month. There are woefully few physicians in Uganda; recently reported to be 8 per 100,000 people. Thus, it is painfully apparent that it is impossible to provide traditional Western healthcare to Parkinson’s patients in Uganda.

Together we shall bring a million people into The Wise Speech Movement.”


Christian is looking for testimonials from friends and family who have been helped over the years, and those who believe in non-violent communication and feel the work of the Wise Speech Foundation has benefited them. Now that we have new technologies at our fingertips, we are uniting a large community to share the peace, and build a better future together.


  • Outreach list
  • coming soon
  • many to list

Elected Leaders

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  • coming soon
  • many to list

Community Leaders

  • Outreach and sponsor list
  • coming soon
  • many to list


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